February 01, 2016

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15 Best Beauty Tricks Using Baking Soda

Baking Soda can be used in places of harsh and toxin beauty products, household cleaners, and more.

Today, I am putting my focus on many ways baking soda can be used to take care of your teeth, hair, skin, nails and more. Using baking soda is a healthier and safer alternative to many beauty products out there. Follow these 15+ amazing tricks for excellent results.

Oral Care:

1. Mix lemon juice with baking to make a paste. Brush your teeth with the solution once or every 2 weeks.
2. Put toothpaste on brush sprinkle with baking soda then brush your teeth.
3. Mix baking and hydrogen peroxide, and toothpaste, make a paste. Brush with it. Once every 2 weeks.


2. Mix baking soda and honey, make a paste, and put on a pimple. Leave for 30 minutes or overnight.
3. Dull skin? Mix lemon, coconut oil, and baking soda. Make a thick, paste-like consistency. Apply on your face and wait to dry, then wash off.
4. Mix daily facial cleanser and baking soda, massage to face to remove anything that clog face. 
5. Treat sunburn: Mix baking soda and water, then massage on skin, wash off.
6.  Mix with apple cider for acne.
8. Remove deodorant build up: Mix 1 tsp of baking soda and 1 tsp of lemon or lime. 1tsp. Massage for 2 minutes. Wash with warm water.
9. Underarm scrubber. Mix 1 tsp of baking soda + 1 tsp of water.  Exfoliate 3 times a week. Wash with warm water.
10. Baking soda mask: Make paste with baking soda and water, apply on face, leave 30mins, wash.
11. Bath: Put 1/2 cup of baking soda in bath water, and enjoy your bath. It's safer than some bath bombs.
12. Rub on feet for dry, flaky feet. 3tsp+ water+ essential oil. Soak feet. 


13. Remove grease hair: Sprinkle some baking soda on your hair scalp and rub. It adds volume and makes your hair less greasy. 
14. Add 1 tsp of baking soda to your regular shampoo bottle and use it to wash your hair 1 or 2 times a week.


15. Brush nails and cuticle.
16. Whiten your nails: Make a paste with hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. Cover your nails with it, let the mixture to sit on them for about 3 minutes, rinse off with warm water.

Continue reading 15 Best Beauty Tricks Using Baking Soda

January 29, 2016


A while back I was looking for ways to make some extra cash. I found a lot of ideas. It's crazy how you can make money from anything. Check out some of the ways to earn extra cash:

1. Sell things you don't use.

You can sell anything, from old clothes, unopened gifts, shoes, college books, handbags, unopened makeup and skincare products, electronics...etc.

There are many websites that you can sell your stuff on. The ones that I have used are: EBay, Amazon, Kijiji, and Craigslist. If you don't want to sell your stuff online you can always have a garage sell.

2. Watch ads.

There are some apps online that pay you to watch ads. No joking! One of the best on is Qriket, where you watch ads on your smart phone. This is how you make money:
·         Watch ads
·         Get spins
·         Use spins to get free PayPal money
Sign up for free her: http://qriket.com/invite/49C55E

 3. Sell your hair.

Did you know that you can actually make money by selling your hair? If you have long hair you can sell it on websites such as www.hairsellon.com or do more research to find the best place for you.

4. Photos.

If you love taking photos of nature, parks, cities, or of anything you can turn your passion into an income source by selling your pictures online or to your local companies.

5. Review songs.

There are many websites are will pay you to review songs.

Check out:

6. Sell freebies

On websites such as Craigslist and Kijiji there is a "Free" section where people give stuff for free, go pick up those items refurbish them and sell them for good money.

7. Babysit

You can offer to watch over your neighbors kids while they are at work. Ask around and post ads online.

8. Bake goods.

Are you good at baking? Well, you can turn your passion into business by selling cakes, cookies, pies locally.

9. Sell your crafts.

You can make a lot of money selling your creations whether online on Etsy, EBay or locally.

10. Freelancer

Love writing? Sell your service here: http://www.cgmarketingpro.com

Continue reading 10 AMAZING WAYS TO MAKE MONEY

January 25, 2016

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5 Mascara Hacks and Tricks For Long Eyelashes

I have been using these tricks for some time now and my life has been changed. Is your mascara dried or clumpy? Your eyelashes wont stay curled? Do you want full lashes without getting a lash extension? Follow this amazing, simple tricks to make your eyelashes stand out.

1. Put your old or clumpy mascara in a cup of hot water to make it new again.

2. Blow-dry your eyelash-curler to make your curl last longer.

3. Bend your wand to have more control when applying mascara.

4. Add a few drops of contact lenses solution to revive your old mascara.

5. Apply baby powder between your coats to make your lashes look fuller and longer.

Have fun with these mascara and long eyelashes hacks!

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© LivingABudgetLife
Continue reading 5 Mascara Hacks and Tricks For Long Eyelashes

January 19, 2016

A Walk In A Winter Wonderland Park

Today I enjoyed a walk at a winter wonderland park, although it was cold. Last night it snowed here. I was standing by the window, glazing with amazement on how beautiful it was outside; everything was white and calming to look at. I couldn't resist not taking photos. The trees looks so beautiful. It made me think of this quote:
 "Snow was falling,
so much like stars
filling the dark trees
that one could easily imagine
its reason for being was nothing more
than prettiness.”
― Mary Oliver
 Here are some pictures I captured:

Continue reading A Walk In A Winter Wonderland Park

January 18, 2016

How To Cut Your Grocery Bill In Half

Food can get really expensive. According to www.statcan.gc.ca, an average household food spending was $7739 in 2012 and $7980 in 2013. Here are 8 tips to help you lower your grocery bills or even cut the cost in half.

1. Set a budget

The key to saving money is to set a firm budget and sticking to it. Having boundaries help you to not over spend your money. Make a list of food items you need and set budget according to that. Don't forget to include spices, paper good, and beverages as well.

2. Make a list

Having a list of food items you want to buy helps you to avoid buying things you don't need which increases your food budget, and it is a good way to ensure that you will not forget crucial ingredients. How to make the list? Always check your pantry and fridge before going shopping so that you don't buy the same things twice. Have a meal plan so that you can use a ingredient multiple times which will cut back on the cost.

3. Use coupons

Using coupons may seem old-fashion buy they help you save money. Most stores accept coupon so take advantage of that. In some areas, coupons come in your weekly flyers. if you don't have that system where you live, you can print coupons from online websites. Don't forget to check the weekly flyers for great deals. And be on the lookout for "buy one, get one free" coupons for the ultimate savings.

4. Eat before you shop

Going at a grocery store in an empty stomach is not a good idea. When you are hungry, you tend to shop for things you don't really need which can add up to the cost. In order to avoid this, it is important to eat before going to do grocery. It is even better to eat at home instead outside, this way you save more. It is handy to keep a granola bar or nuts in your car or purse.

5. Buy in bulk

Buying in bulk is another way to cut down on your grocery bill because it is almost always cheaper.
You cannot buy everything in bulk because you may end up with spoiled food or too much food that you don't need. The secret is to purchase items you use almost every time you make a meal, such as: rice, flour, sugar, salt, beans... so stick to non-perishable items. Also for parties or cookouts, buy in bulk.

6. Eat more veggies

As we all know, vegetables are cheaper than meat. Not just that, they also contain more vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals. Therefore, add more veggies in your meals have a healthy balance and save money. According to shiftyourhabit.com, cutting meat from your diet just one day a week can save you around $200 per year for a four person family. So, try substituting your chicken breast with tofu because it is full of nutrients.

7. Buy store brand

Buying store brand goods is a great way to trim money from your grocery bill. Do you want to know a secret? The quality and nutritional content is usually the same as the more expensive brand name. So why spend more on "expensive" brands you are basically getting the same thing? Something to think about!

8. Eat left-overs

Don't throw away that left over chicken dish from yesterday. You can cut down on your grocery bill by storing the meal in the fridge or freezer  and use it for lunch the next day. Did you know that when ingredients hang together in the fridge, it only enhances the flavor.
Continue reading How To Cut Your Grocery Bill In Half